Thursday, September 16, 2010

First day of French classes

Today was our 1st day of French classes.  We all met at the National Empowerment Fund`s office in Sandton this morning at 8:15am.  We got the opportunity to meet the rest of the 34 delegates, a very interesting group.  Professions ranges from Nuclear advisers to gents that manufacture brandy in the Worcester region, guess who Keith and I will be befriending??   J

We started the classes with the bare basics this morning, ie Bonjour (good day).  This term you can apparently only use from early morning till 6am.  Bon meaning good and jour meaning day.  After 6am the jour turns to soir (evening).  I thought, what a simple language, I can easily get use to this.  Short- lived was my excitement. 

We ended the afternoon’s classes with each delegate having to introduce himself and give a brief explanation of his family to the rest of the class, IN FRENCH. Intimidating is an understatement…

My speech went as follows:  Je’em app’ele Albertino (My name is Albertyn) ; J’ai un un mon p’ere  et un m`ere (I have one dad and one mom); J’ai un la femme (I have one wife); J’ai zero enfants (I have no children);  Jai deux chien (I have two dogs); Merci beucoup (thank you).

Tomorrow night we have a cocktail evening with the press and the CEO of the NEF (A member of the Group Five board in fact).

Off to bed, need to get up for an early run in the morning before class.

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